False prophet??
Reasoning book definition of false prophet:
False Prophets page 132:
Definition: Individuals and organizations proclaiming messages that they attribute to a superhuman source but that do not originate with the true God and are not in harmony with his revealed will.***********
More from the Reasoning book on what to say at the doors when some says they are false prophets:
*** rs 137 False Prophets ***
If Someone Says
My minister said that Jehovahs Witnesses are the false prophets
You might reply: May I ask, Did he show you anything in the Bible that describes what we believe or do and that says people of that sort would be false prophets? . . . May I show you how the Bible describes false prophets? (Then use one or more of the points outlined on pages 132-136.)
Or you could say: Im sure youll agree that specific evidence should back up such a serious charge. Did your minister mention any specific examples? (If householder refers to some claimed predictions that did not come to pass, use material on page 134, and from the bottom of page 135 to the top of 137.)
Another possibility: Im sure that if someone accused you of something similar, you would welcome the opportunity at least to explain your position or point of view, wouldnt you? . . . So may I show you from the Bible . . . ?